Professional Services Payment Processing

Professional services companies like yours assist and advise individuals on important matters such as finances, healthcare, legal settlements, and much more. Your clients or patients rely on your services to help them improve various aspects of their daily lives. With a secure, simple payment solution, you can help them get back to those daily lives faster. 

Accept Credit Cards from Your Phone or Tablet

Our mobile processing solution, Clover Flex and Desk Move solution, is a simple, secure mobile payment acceptance option for any professional services business. It is compatible with iOS and Android devices, offering a card reader that connects to your device via Bluetooth. With this solution, you can:

  • Dip, tap, or swipe credit cards.
  • Create itemized or simple transactions.
  • Accept tips and manage cash payments.
  • Allow multiple users at the same time. 
Virtual Terminals

Virtual Terminals

Send a custom email invoice for your services

Mobile Processing

Mobile Processing

Accept all payment types using your phone or tablet

Clover Helps Retail Businesses